Saturday, December 29, 2007

More thoughts on computer management

I often go to people's homes to help them either learn a program or to repair a problem with their computer. I can't tell you how often I ask them where some software that they need for their printer or operating system is and they have no idea. I'm reminded of this because of my recent switch over to a new computer.

If you aren't organised now, make it a priority. Get yourself a shoe box, if you have quite a bit of software, or a box large enough to hold the cd cases that you get your software in. Place every program on cd or dvd that you own in this box. If their are serial numbers involved, make sure that it is written on a piece of paper and kept with that software. Every time you purchase a program online (which is common now a days) keep the .exe file and back it up to a cd and make note of what the website was where you downloaded it from and again a copy of the serial number. You will be so happy you did these things when your computer crashes or you want to upgrade. Put all the pamphlets that you get together in a folder or another small box.

Then when you also back up your computer from time to time to a cd or dvd (what? you haven't done that for ages?) put each copy of that in the box as well. Most people now a days haven't got hard copies of any of the hundreds of digital photographs that they take. They reside on their hard drives. Would you like to lose any of it?

Doing this will save you a lot of time and heartache should anything happen to your computer.

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