Saturday, June 28, 2008


This isn't particularly new, but with all the news of Canada catching up with copyright laws of other countries, the downloading of music etc is coming to an end, or will do eventually. There is a neat site called songza that you can use to hear new music and listen to music that you already know, but perhaps haven't heard for a while. You can't download it, but it is a great way to find an old favourite that you haven't heard before. They then give you the opportunity of finding a place you can purchase it, should you wish to.

I found a song I haven't heard for years called Toast. If you type in Toast and Paul Young it comes up. It's by a band he was in called Streetband. It's just a bit of British whimsy, but it's the only place to hear it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Publish your own books

I have been on a road trip out West recently, and am now catching up with what's new.
I went for tea to a friend's house last week and he showed me this really professionally printed book he had made on-line. He downloaded a program (he has a iMac, but it was available to either PC or mac) and then with their desktop program, lots of help and templates, he created a 24 page book. He chose a soft cover, but you can choose a hard cover book, and one with a dust cover jacket as well! I was so excited about the possibilities.

I immediately had lots of ideas for books I could create but thought that I would put together a book (for my two travelling companions and the friend we visited) with a selection of the best photographs that we took of the Rockies, Yellowstone etc. It might mean we would actually look at it from time to time!

Check it out at Blurb.

I could write a kid's story for my niece and nephew, a cookbook for friends.... And you can print up just one if that's all you want! Or a book about computers!