Sunday, November 25, 2007

need to creat a pdf? - but not in a hurry

I just found a neat site that will create a pdf document for you. The site is at but you don't even need to go there. Send a message to with the document you want converted and send it off. They send you an email back with the pdf document attached. They say that it will take 60 - 90 seconds to get your return email. But make sure that you have their address allowed in your inbox.

Now I tested it on a Sunday. It says that they work 24/7 as I imagine that it is an automated service rather than a bunch of people having to churn out these conversions. Rather than the 60-90 seconds, both of my tests came back at 4 in the morning, 6 - 9 hours after I sent my email off. So it does work, but just don't sit patiently at your computer waiting, as it may take a bit longer than you expected. Also, don't send them any emails from addresses like info@ or admin@. They won't reply to those for some reason.

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